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Solver Option Guide

How to Set Solver Option

The options of the PRINTEMPS solver can be set by a printemps::option::Option object. The following code shows an example of setting the options verbose and tabu_search.iteration_max to Full and 10000, respectively.

printemps::model::IPModel model;

/// The modeling code is omitted.

printemps::option::Option option;
option.output.verbose = printemps::option:verbose::Full;
option.tabu_search.iteration_max = 10000;

/// The option object is set as the 2nd argument of printemps::solver::solve().
auto result = printemps::solver::solve(&model, option);

List of Options

General Options

Name Type Default Description
iteration_max int 100 Allowed maximum number of outer loop iterations.
time_max double 120 Allowed maximum computational time for optimization calculation (specified in seconds).
target_objective double 1E100
or -1E100
or 0
Target objective function value. If the objective the function of the feasible incumbent reaches target_objective , optimization calculation will be terminated. For minimization problems and maximization problems, -1E100 and 1E100 will be set as default values, respectively. If the objective function is not defined, the target will be set 0 and the optimization will be terminated if a feasible solution is found.

Penalty Options

Name Type Default Description
penalty_coefficient_relaxing_rate double 0.9 If the augmented objective incumbent obtained by a tabu search is feasible, all penalty coefficients will be relaxed by the multiplying penalty_coefficient_relaxing_rate.
penalty_coefficient_tightening_rate double 1.0 If the augmented objective incumbent obtained by a tabu search is not feasible, penalty coefficients corresponding violative constraints will be tightened by the adding violation multiplied by penalty_coefficient_tightening_rate.
initial_penalty_coefficient double 1E7 Initial penalty coefficient value. The penalty coefficients corresponding to all constraints are initialized by initial_penalty_coefficient.
is_enabled_grouping_penalty_coefficient bool false If this option is set to true, the penalty coefficients for constraints belonging to the same constraint group are aligned to the largest one in the group. Here, "constraint groups" are constraints which share common symbol and are distinguished by their indices.

Parallel Options

Name Type Default Description
is_enabled_move_evaluation_parallelization bool true If this option is set to true, evaluations of solutions will be parallelized using OpenMP.
is_enabled_move_update_parallelization bool true If this option is set to true, updating the neighborhood of the current solution will be parallelized using OpenMP.

Preprocess Options

Name Type Default Description
is_enabled_presolve bool true If this option is set to true, redundant decision variables and constraints will be fixed or moved.
is_enabled_remove_duplicated_constraints bool true If this option is set to true, duplicated constraints will be extracted and removed. This option works only if is_enabled_presolve is set to true.
is_enabled_remove_redundant_set_variables bool true If this option is set to true, redundant set partitioning/packing/covering constraints will be extracted and removed. This option works only if is_enabled_presolve is set to true.
is_enabled_remove_redundant_set_constraints bool true If this option is set to true, redundant decision variables included in set partitioning constraints will be extracted and fixed at 0. This option works only if is_enabled_presolve is set to true.
is_enabled_extract_implicit_equality_constraint bool true If this option is set to true, inequality constraint pairs that implicitly define equality constraints will be extracted and replaced with the corresponding equality constraints.
is_enabled_online_bounding bool true If this option is set to true, lower and upper bounds of decision variables will be successively tightened based on incumbent objective value obtained in optimization process.
is_enabled_initial_value_correction bool true If this option is set to true, initial values of decision variables will be corrected necessarily so that they satisfy ther lower and upper bounds and so on.
is_enabled_extract_dependent_exclusive_or bool true If this option is set to true, dependent variables are extracted from Exclusive OR constraints.
is_enabled_extract_dependent_exclusive_nor bool true If this option is set to true, dependent variables are extracted from Exclusive NOR constraints.
is_enabled_extract_dependent_inverted_integers bool true If this option is set to true, dependent variables are extracted from Inverted Integers constraints.
is_enabled_extract_dependent_balanced_integers bool true If this option is set to true, dependent variables are extracted from Balanced Integers constraints.
is_enabled_extract_dependent_constant_sum_integers bool true If this option is set to true, dependent variables are extracted from Constant Sum Integers constraints.
is_enabled_extract_dependent_constant_difference_integers bool true If this option is set to true, dependent variables are extracted from Constant Difference Integers constraints.
is_enabled_extract_dependent_constant_ratio_integers bool true If this option is set to true, dependent variables are extracted from Constant Ratio Integers constraints.
is_enabled_extract_dependent_intermediate bool true If this option is set to true, dependent variables are extracted from Intermediate constraints.

Neighborhood Options

Name Type Default Description
is_enabled_binary_move bool true If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves that flip binary variables are enabled.
is_enabled_integer_move bool true If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves that increment or decrement integer variables are enabled.
is_enabled_exclusive_or_move bool true If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves specialized for Exclusive OR constraints are enabled.
is_enabled_exclusive_nor_move bool true If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves specialized for Exclusive NOR constraints are enabled.
is_enabled_inverted_integers_move bool true If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves specialized for Inverted Integers constraints are enabled.
is_enabled_balanced_integers_move bool true If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves specialized for Balanced Integers constraints are enabled.
is_enabled_constant_sum_integers_move bool true If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves specialized for Constant Sum Integers constraints are enabled.
is_enabled_constant_difference_integers_move bool true If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves specialized for Constant Difference Integers constraints are enabled.
is_enabled_constant_rario_integers_move bool true If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves specialized for Constant Ratio Integers constraints are enabled.
is_enabled_aggregation_move bool true If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves specialized for Aggregation constraints are enabled.
is_enabled_precedence_move bool false If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves specialized for Precedence constraints are enabled.
is_enabled_variable_bound_move bool false If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves specialized for Variable Bound constraints are enabled.
is_enabled_trinomial_exclusive_nor_move bool false If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves specialized for Trinomial Exclusive NOR constraints are enabled.
is_enabled_soft_selection_move bool false If this option is set to true, neighborhood moves specialized for Soft Selection constraints are enabled.
is_enabled_chain_move bool true If this option is set to true, two or more moves will be combined adaptively.
selection_mode printemps::option::
Independent Rule to detect and extract selection constraints.
None: No selection constraints will be extracted.
Defined: If a decision variable is included in more than one selection constraints, the selection constraint defined at first will extracted in priority.
Smaller: If a decision variable is included in more than one selection constraints, the selection constraint with the smaller number of decision variables will extracted in priority.
Larger: If a decision variable is included in more than one selection constraints, the selection constraint with the larger number of decision variables will extracted in priority.
Independent Selection constraints that do not share decision variables with each other will be extracted.
improvability_screening_mode printemps::option::
Automatic Rule for screening neighborhood moves.
Off: No screening.
Soft: Only moves with objective or feasibility improvement will be selected.
Aggressive: If the current solution is infeasible, only moves with feasibility improvement will be selected.
Intensive: Similar to Aggressive, but moves will be more narrowly defined.
Automatic: Depending on the search situation, either Soft, Aggressive, or Intensive screening will be automatically applied.

Output Options

Name Type Default Description
verbose printemps::option::
Off Log level of standard output.
Off: No output.
Warning: Output only warning messages.
Outer: Output warning messages and intermediate results of outer loops. Inner: Output warning messages and intermediate results of outer and inner tabu search loops.
Full: Output full information.
is_enabled_write_trend bool false If this option is set to true, search trend will be written in a text file named trend.txt. The ouput file can be visualized by script/
is_enabled_store_feasible_solutions bool false If this option is set to true, feasible solutions found in the search will be stored, and written in a JSON file named feasible.json. The ouput file can be visualized by script/ Activating this option with large feasible_solutions_capacity would affect search performance especially for problems with too many feasible solutions.
feasible_solutions_capacity int 1000 Allowed maximum number of the stored feasible solutions. If the capacity is exceeded, worse solutions will be clipped.
is_enabled_print_search_behavior_summary bool true If this option is set to true, a summary of search behavior will be printed to the standard output.
is_enabled_print_tree_summary bool true If this option is set to true, lists of frontier and locally optimal solutions will be printed to the standard output, based on the analysis of the tree structure of historical incumbent solutions.
is_enabled_print_parallelization_controller_summary bool true If this option is set to true, a summary of parallelization controller will be printed to the standard output.
is_enabled_print_variable_update_summary bool true If this option is set to true, lists of high and low frequent updated variables will be printed to the standard output.
is_enabled_print_constraint_violation_summary bool true If this option is set to true, lists of high and low frequent satisfied constraints will be printed to the standard output.
is_enabled_print_violation_and_penalty_summary bool true If this option is set to true, a list of violating constraints at the current solution and the update behavior of the penalty weights will be printed to the standard output.
is_enabled_print_tabu_search_parameter bool true If this option is set to true, adjusted values for tabu search parameters.

Lagrange Dual Search Options

Name Type Default Description
is_enabled bool false If this option is set to true, an initial solution will be prepared by solving a lagrange dual problem by a subgradient method.
iteration_max int 10000 Allowed maximum number of the lagrange dual search loop iterations.
time_max double 120 Allowed maximum computational time for lagrange dual search (specified in seconds).
step_size_extend_rate double 1.05 If it is observed that the step size is too small, the subgradient algorithm will extend the step size according to the value of this option. Larger value accelerates the convergence speed but it may also affect the stability.
step_size_reduce_rate double 0.95 If it is observed that the step size is too large, the subgradient algorithm will reduce the step size according to the value of this option.
tolerance double 1E-5 The tolerance for determining convergence of the subgradient algorithm. It should be specified as a ratio to the absolute value of the Lagrangian.
log_interval int 10 Iteration interval to print the calculation log to standard output. This option is effective only if verbose is set Full.

Local Search Options

Name Type Default Description
is_enabled bool true If this option is set to true, the initial solution will be improved by a greedy local search.
iteration_max int 10000 Allowed maximum number of the local search loop iterations.
time_max double 120 Allowed maximum computational time for local search (specified in seconds).
log_interval int 10 Iteration interval to print the calculation log to standard output. This option is effective only if verbose is set Full.

Tabu Search Options

Name Type Default Description
iteration_max int 200 Allowed maximum number of one tabu search loop iterations.
time_max double 120 Allowed maximum computational time for one tabu search (specified in seconds).
log_interval int 10 Iteration interval to print the calculation log to standard output. This option is effective only if verbose is set Full.
initial_tabu_tenure int 10 Initial tabu tenure. The value of a decision variable can not be changed again until the number of tabu tenure iterations has passed.
tabu_tenure_randomize_rate double 0.3 Tabu tenure for each move will be randomized according to the value of this option. The value should be specified as the rate to the tabu tenure. For example, if the nominal tabu tenure is internally set 20 and tabu_tenure_randomize_rate is set 0.5, the actual tabu tenure for each move will be set randomly in the range [10, 30].
tabu_mode printemps::option::
All Rule to determine the acceptability (tabu or not) of a move from the current solution to a neighborhood solution for the case that the move consists of multiple variable changes.
All: The move is not acceptable if all of the variables included in the move are "tabu".
Any: The move is not acceptable if any variable includes in the move is "tabu".